Biological sequence classes |
Build an amino acid (AA) vector |
Build a DNA vector |
Build a RNA vector |
Amino acid (AA) vector constructor |
DNA vector constructor |
RNA vector constructor |
Test if the object is an amino acid vector |
Test if the object is a DNA vector |
Test if the object is a RNA vector |
Conversion and coercion |
Convert DNAbin/AAbin to tibble |
Convert bioseq DNA, RNA and AA to tibble |
Coerce to AAbin |
Coerce tibble to AAbin |
Coerce to DNAbin |
Coerce tibble to DNAbin |
Coercion to an amino acid (AA) vector |
Coercion to DNA vector |
Coercion to RNA vector |
Coerce to seqinr alignment |
Data |
DNA sequences (rbcL) for various Fragilaria |
I/O |
Read sequences in FASTA format |
Write sequences in FASTA format |
AliView: DNA sequences viewer |
SeaView: DNA sequences and phylogenetic tree viewer |
Operations on sequences |
Biological operations |
Reverse and complement sequences |
Reverse translate amino acid sequences |
Translate DNA/RNA sequences into amino acids |
Transcribe DNA, reverse-transcribe RNA |
String-related operations |
Replace matched patterns in sequences |
Combine multiple sequences |
Count the number of matches in sequences |
Crop sequences using delimiting patterns |
Crop sequences between two positions |
Detect the presence of patterns in sequences |
Extract matching patterns from sequences |
Extract a region between two positions in sequences |
Remove matched patterns in sequences |
Remove a region between two positions in sequences. |
Replace a region between two positions in sequences |
Split sequences into k-mers |
Split sequences |
Aggregate operations |
Cluster sequences by similarity |
Find a consensus sequence for a set of sequences. |
Utilities |
Number of sequences in a vector |
Count the number of character in sequences |
Compute proportions for characters |
Compute G+C content |
Disambiguate biological sequences |
Spell out sequences |
Genetic codes and alphabets |
Biological alphabets |
Genetic code tables |
Genetic code tables |